Anyone who hosts a party where alcohol is consumed becomes legally responsible for all guests. If you are responsible enough to host a party then you should have to deal with all of the consequences. As the host, you have made the choice to have a party and as the host you should know what your responsibilities are and follow through with them. The host must monitor guests to make sure how much alcohol they have consumed. Along with this they must make sure that the guests have a safe ride home or a safe place to stay. Keys of the guests should be taken away if they are planning to consume alcohol during the night. People get away with drinking and driving and no matter what you do to prevent this, it will end up occurring one way or another. However, the host must enforce no drinking and driving continuously. According to MADD Canada, "40% of teenage drivers who are killed in road crashes have been drinking". As a result of party hosts being irresponsible, most of these teens have left a house party and decided to drive their vehicles. "By the time a driver reaches a blood alcohol content of 0.10 he or she is 51 times more likely than a non-drinking driver to be involved in a fatal crash." as stated by MADD Canada. Although some teenagers are irresponsible and hardheaded, the host must make sure that their guests have a safe ride home if they have been drinking. Parties may be time to enjoy and celebrate but they come with consquences that may be fatal in the end. In conclusion if you are responsible enough to have a party then you should be responsible enough to deal with all the effects both postive and negative.
Stats From:
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
55 Fiction
Friday, May 15, 2009
Creative Writing: Trapped

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire Synthesis
Do we create our own fate or is our future set from the start? This is a question that society often ponders and a question that every individual has a different opinion for. "Slumdog Millionaire" by. Vikas Swarup and "The Road Not Taken" by. Robert Frost are two pieces of literature that have the common theme of destiny and choice. In Slumdog Millionaire, the main character of Ram is portrayed to be a humble and selfless individual who overcomes several "obstacles and pitfalls" in his journey of life. Throughout this journey, he flips a coin in every difficult choice he must make, believing that this coin is "lucky". However, at the end of the book it is revealed that his coin has heads on both sides, and he states " luck has nothing to do with it". At that moment Ram throws the coin and watches it sink down into the bottomless ocean. Does "luck come from within"? Or once again does the concept of creating our destiny arise? "The Road Not Taken" by. Robert Frost has the similar idea of choices and consequences that shape our future. By taking "the one less traveled by" the speaker makes the choice of choosing one road over another revealing that one should not be afraid to take risks and make their own choices. The choice of a certain road will change his life in one way or another, but this change is unknown to the reader. Both characters in "The Road Not Taken" and "Slumdog Millionaire" make difficult choices to overcome obstacles in their lives, and they have "made all the difference". In conclusion, the choices we make, the goals we set, the obstacles we confront and the consequences we face are what shape our future.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Rant: Bad Drivers!

Well where do I begin when it comes to bad drivers? I'll start by simply saying that if you've been in several car accidents where you're at fault, you've been honked at more then 3 times in a day, and have been pulled over too many times to count, you should probably not be on the road. Bad drivers are frustrating and need to realize their bad driving skills and habits. Slow drivers are painful to drive behind especially when they drive 30km/h on the main roads or on highways, its not a school zone! I'm not encouraging speeding but at least drive the posted speed limit, not too much under but at the same time not too much over. In my opinion, drivers who drive over the speed limit come off as ignorant and obnoxious. Are they aware of the dangers that exist while driving and do they ask themselves if they're the danger that exists? While driving behind a bad driver I sometimes wonder how they managed to pass their license in the first place. Did they have these habits to begin with or did they pick them up over the years? From my own experience I have witnessed a situation in which the driver was driving 35 over the speed limit and began to tailgate my vehicle. The driver then proceeded to pass me on a stretch of the highway where passing was not permitted and I thought to myself, what is this person thinking? They sped ahead of me to the point where I couldn't see them in my path anymore. As I drove further down the highway I saw flashing blue and red lights, while sirens pierced my ears. There on the side of the road, sat a wreck, flipped over and mangled, it was a sight like I had never seen before. Had the driver learnt his lesson now? Had other bad drivers that witnessed this accident learnt their lesson?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Novel Research:Slumdog Millionaire

The talented author of Slumdog Millionaire and the father of two children, Vikas Swarup, was born in Allahabad, India. While attending Allahabad University, Swarup took such courses as Philosophy, History and Psychology. With a passion for international relations and a curiosity for cultures he joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1986. His first novel "Q&A", also known as "Slumdog Millionaire" was translated into 40 different languages such as Dutch, Polish, Russian, and Hindi and also won South Africa’s Exclusive Books Boeke Prize in 2006. Taiwan voted Swarup's book as the Most Influential Book of 2008 and furthermore "Slumdog Millionaire" went on to becoming a movie directed by Danny Boyle. Along with "Slumdog Millionaire" he has written the novel "Six Suspects" and the short story "A Great Event".Throughout his career he has participated in the Turin International Book Fair, Sydney Writers’ Festival and the Jaipur Literature Festival along with several other events. Apart from reading and writing Vikas Swarup enjoys activities including table tennis, cricket and listening to music.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Tenth Circle By. Jodi Picoult
Jodi Picoults "The Tenth Circle" is a realistic and conflict filled novel that keeps you wanting to read more. All chapters throughout the whole book have events of major conflict and this technique keeps you locked. The author uses events in this novel that are perfectly realistic and capable of happening to anyone and this is the concept that creates sympathy in your heart for the characters. While reading this book you realize that this type of story would relate to young girls who have been in the position that the main character is put in to. At one point in your life you may be put into a position where you realize that something or someone is not right and the situation that your in is not where you wish to be. This book appeals to the reader because you picture millions of people or young girls in fact in bad situations or relationships who cant stand up for themselves.The characters of a young girl named Trixie, her parents, her best friend Zephyr and her love interest Jason create the ideal group of characters for the plot line in this novel. The family crisis that occurs in this book fills your heart with warmth and concludes the fact that not all in life is colourful and beautiful. All in all this book appeals to the reader because of the reality and entertainment level created within it.
Jodi Picoults "The Tenth Circle" is a realistic and conflict filled novel that keeps you wanting to read more. All chapters throughout the whole book have events of major conflict and this technique keeps you locked. The author uses events in this novel that are perfectly realistic and capable of happening to anyone and this is the concept that creates sympathy in your heart for the characters. While reading this book you realize that this type of story would relate to young girls who have been in the position that the main character is put in to. At one point in your life you may be put into a position where you realize that something or someone is not right and the situation that your in is not where you wish to be. This book appeals to the reader because you picture millions of people or young girls in fact in bad situations or relationships who cant stand up for themselves.The characters of a young girl named Trixie, her parents, her best friend Zephyr and her love interest Jason create the ideal group of characters for the plot line in this novel. The family crisis that occurs in this book fills your heart with warmth and concludes the fact that not all in life is colourful and beautiful. All in all this book appeals to the reader because of the reality and entertainment level created within it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Synthesis:"The Lottery" & "The Perils of Indifference"
"The Lottery" and "The Perils of Indifference" are two pieces of writing in which terrible violence and inhumanity are demonstrated by the most "ordinary" citizens. Events in both pieces are direct examples of how any ordinary human being can demonstrate acts of inhumanity towards others. Society has such a large impact on the actions of others and influences people to partake in situations they would not normally consider to be involved in or with.
In "The Lottery" average citizens of a small town take part in the local lottery which takes place once a year. These citizens are demonstrated to be normal people with families that are involved in daily activities such as work and school. The author of this short story builds up the plot line by describing the town and the families of the town. "The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green". This description alone allows the reader to assume that this town and these people are no different than us. However as the story goes on and the plot line builds the reader begins to question what the "lottery" actually is. As the people of the town gather, the winner of the lottery is announced and their "prize" is revealed. Mrs. Hutchinson was about to meet her death. Ordinary people, no different then us, stone the winner of the "lottery" once a year. For what reason? Well, the answer is... for no reason at all, I assume a more appropriate statement would be "just because". These citizens partake in inhumane activities that they believe are not inhumane at all and this seems to be the case with several situations or issues that occur all over the world.
Speaking of issues the occur all over the world, "The Perils of Indifference" shows direct examples of inhumane acts that are demonstrated by "average" and "ordinary" citizens all over the world. What makes people commit to the their actions and what motivation do these people have to go through with these actions? In my opinion I believe it is the pressure of others that convince us to commit to our actions. With reference to events all over the world such as the Holocaust, World War I and World War II the author of "The Perils of Indifference" brings reality to inhumanity and injustice occurring in the world. Elie Wiesel states "these failures have cast a dark shadow over humanity:two world wars, countless civil wars, the senseless chain of assassinations.." and the list continues on as Wiesel proves the indifference in past centuries. Indifference "is not only a sin, it is a punishment" and society chooses to keep it alive. Whether a person is a killer, a victim or a bystander, these are all considered forms of crime and at one point or another we will all be one or more of the three. The truth of the matter is injustice and indifference have been occurring over centuries, still happen till this day and will go into the future.
In "The Lottery" average citizens of a small town take part in the local lottery which takes place once a year. These citizens are demonstrated to be normal people with families that are involved in daily activities such as work and school. The author of this short story builds up the plot line by describing the town and the families of the town. "The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green". This description alone allows the reader to assume that this town and these people are no different than us. However as the story goes on and the plot line builds the reader begins to question what the "lottery" actually is. As the people of the town gather, the winner of the lottery is announced and their "prize" is revealed. Mrs. Hutchinson was about to meet her death. Ordinary people, no different then us, stone the winner of the "lottery" once a year. For what reason? Well, the answer is... for no reason at all, I assume a more appropriate statement would be "just because". These citizens partake in inhumane activities that they believe are not inhumane at all and this seems to be the case with several situations or issues that occur all over the world.
Speaking of issues the occur all over the world, "The Perils of Indifference" shows direct examples of inhumane acts that are demonstrated by "average" and "ordinary" citizens all over the world. What makes people commit to the their actions and what motivation do these people have to go through with these actions? In my opinion I believe it is the pressure of others that convince us to commit to our actions. With reference to events all over the world such as the Holocaust, World War I and World War II the author of "The Perils of Indifference" brings reality to inhumanity and injustice occurring in the world. Elie Wiesel states "these failures have cast a dark shadow over humanity:two world wars, countless civil wars, the senseless chain of assassinations.." and the list continues on as Wiesel proves the indifference in past centuries. Indifference "is not only a sin, it is a punishment" and society chooses to keep it alive. Whether a person is a killer, a victim or a bystander, these are all considered forms of crime and at one point or another we will all be one or more of the three. The truth of the matter is injustice and indifference have been occurring over centuries, still happen till this day and will go into the future.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Top 3
My topic is the top 3 movies of all time, from my point of view of course.
Criteria: I am judging these movies of entertainment levels, storyline, as well as characters(actors), and the resolution of the movie(how it ended).
1. Changeling - I recently just watched this movie and it was one of the best I have seen. From end to beginning this movie kept you thinking and wondering what could have happened. Although there is no major action, this movie is filled with lots of character conflict which makes it exciting and interesting. The storyline of this movie is filled with many events and an amazing climax involving the protagonist(Angelina Jolie) and antagonist(Jeffrey Donovan). Changeling is filled with many mysteries which allows you to make you own predictions about what might have happened. The movie ended well with a trial for a crime and the protagonist filled with a sense of hope.
2. The Godfather Series - One of the best series ever made is The Godfather! This movie is filled with entertainment from beginning to end. It is action packed with many character conflicts as well as character vs. society conflicts. These conflicts keep the viewer entertained and interested in this movie. The Godfather involves many Mafia families and their rising hate against one another which eventually leads to wars between them. The actors in this movie such as Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, and James Caan are very talented and take on the roles of their characters well. All in all this is one of the best movies ever made.
3.Pursuit of Happyness - The Pursuit of Happyness is another one of my top 3 movies. This movie is filled with many events that release the viewers emotions. While watching this movie you picture yourself as the characters in those situations and your heart goes out to them. From beginning to end this movie's plot line in amazing. The conflict in this movie keeps the reader attentive and interested in whats happening. It is filled with everything from tears to smiles to laughs which raises the entertainment factor. The movie ends with the main characters achieving something everyone thought was impossible. In conclusion, I would have to say this was one of the best movies I have seen.
Criteria: I am judging these movies of entertainment levels, storyline, as well as characters(actors), and the resolution of the movie(how it ended).
1. Changeling - I recently just watched this movie and it was one of the best I have seen. From end to beginning this movie kept you thinking and wondering what could have happened. Although there is no major action, this movie is filled with lots of character conflict which makes it exciting and interesting. The storyline of this movie is filled with many events and an amazing climax involving the protagonist(Angelina Jolie) and antagonist(Jeffrey Donovan). Changeling is filled with many mysteries which allows you to make you own predictions about what might have happened. The movie ended well with a trial for a crime and the protagonist filled with a sense of hope.
2. The Godfather Series - One of the best series ever made is The Godfather! This movie is filled with entertainment from beginning to end. It is action packed with many character conflicts as well as character vs. society conflicts. These conflicts keep the viewer entertained and interested in this movie. The Godfather involves many Mafia families and their rising hate against one another which eventually leads to wars between them. The actors in this movie such as Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, and James Caan are very talented and take on the roles of their characters well. All in all this is one of the best movies ever made.
3.Pursuit of Happyness - The Pursuit of Happyness is another one of my top 3 movies. This movie is filled with many events that release the viewers emotions. While watching this movie you picture yourself as the characters in those situations and your heart goes out to them. From beginning to end this movie's plot line in amazing. The conflict in this movie keeps the reader attentive and interested in whats happening. It is filled with everything from tears to smiles to laughs which raises the entertainment factor. The movie ends with the main characters achieving something everyone thought was impossible. In conclusion, I would have to say this was one of the best movies I have seen.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
If I could have any superpower in the world I would choose teleporting because it would have many advantages. I could make it to destinations quicker because I would not have to worry about my surroundings. I could avoid busy streets filled with traffic, pedestrians, and other distractions. I would not have to deal with red lights or other hazards of the road such as bad drivers. Teleporting would also be exceptional for situations in which I was running late or needed to be somewhere at a certain time. For these reasons I would choose teleporting over any other superpower.
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