Fear, is what I'm filled with at this moment in time. Fear, sends shivers down every inch of my body and I feel my muscles tighten rapidly. I hear a noise and immediately I know that something isn't right, there is someone in the house that doesn't belong here. Hiding behind the thin walls of my house that would not stop a bullet, I try to make myself invisible from the intruder. I see him standing in the kitchen from the corner of my eye. He is tall and built with facial hair that belongs on someones head instead of his face. He's dressed all dark and mysterious, trying to hide his identity, as he walks around searching for something...or someone. Where are my parents? What should I do? Where do I go? Millions of thoughts travel through my head in a matter of seconds. My breath grows quicker and quicker as each moment passes but each moment does not pass fast enough. Time drags on and there I stand still behind the wall as if my feet were glued to the floor. All of a sudden, our eyes meet and he sees a helpless, shriveled girl trying to hide from the harm he brings. He smells the fear off my breath, and the sweat dripping off my pores. I quickly run the other way towards the stairs, praying to make it to my room before his repulsive hands got a hold of me. As I sprinted rapidly to my safe place, I could feel his heavy breathing behind me and his fast paced feet slamming the floor, catching my trail. With all my power, I sprint so fast that I am far ahead of him and he is not able to see my path any longer. I immediately hide in the back of my closet behind piles and piles of clothing so large that I am not able to be seen. My teddy bear is in my hands gripped so tightly that if it were alive I would have suffocated it. Tears pour down my face and I feel as if I have emptied out my tear ducts and I can't cry anymore. I only have myself to hold and I am my only comfort as I sit and wait for the intruders next move. I am living in a moment that has become my worst nightmare. This used to be a fear that was the furthest thing from becoming a reality and now it was reality and I was trapped.